When is the best time to go to Costa Rica?

Costa Rica has a subequatorial climate. Even though the territory of the country is quite small, it is characterized by a huge variety of weather conditions. For example, there are frosts in the high mountain regions and fogs in the forests; the central part of the country is called the “territory of eternal spring,” and on the coasts, the weather is relatively stifling and hot almost all year round.

The best time to go to Costa Rica is in the winter and spring. This time near the country is called Verano, – summer. The beginning of the high season in Costa Rica does not mean that there will be no rain in the country. Accordingly, the low season in Costa Rica begins in May, when the amount of precipitation increases several times.

The first months of the rainy season can be called those when you must fly to Costa Rica. At this time, you can avoid the tourist rush and find accommodation much cheaper.

Winter, Costa Rica

Features of vacation in Costa Rica in winter

On average, the weather in Costa Rica in winter is around +28°C. With the arrival of December, the dry season begins, which means that showers will not spoil your vacation plans here. Strong winds and precipitation continue to dominate only on the Caribbean coast.

If you want to buy a tour for this period, it is better to plan your vacation in Costa Rica in the winter on the Pacific coast. A beach holiday will be a success here! According to the reviews of many tourists who have visited here, we can conclude that winter is the season when you should go to Costa Rica for the brightest and most diverse emotions.

Surfing, Costa Rica

Features of vacation in Costa Rica in the spring

In the spring, the weather in Costa Rica will continue to delight with its excellent climatic conditions. If you still haven’t decided when is the best time to vacation in Costa Rica, then choosing the period from March to May, you definitely won’t regret it. Depending on the region, the air temperature will warm up to +15–25 °C.

To make your spring vacation in Costa Rica very exciting and unforgettable, don’t miss the opportunity to go surfing or diving here and get an even bronze tan. Despite the fact that the rainy season begins in May, this time of year is extremely popular with tourists.

Waterfall in Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Costa Rica

Features of vacation in Costa Rica in the summer

Vacationing in Costa Rica in the summer can be overshadowed by the height of the rainy season. The highest amount of precipitation falls in mountainous areas. The air temperature is kept within +25°C.

Summer here is called the green season when it is not worth going to Costa Rica for those who do not tolerate showers. After all, the weather in Costa Rica in the summer can be called changeable and unpredictable. After walking 2 steps down the street, it may rain heavily, and after another 2 steps, the sun will peek out.

Arenal, hanging bridges in the park of Costa Rica

Features of vacation in Costa Rica in autumn

Due to the fact that vacations in Costa Rica in the fall are not accompanied by an intensive influx of tourists, you can save money on tours. As for the weather in Costa Rica in autumn, it can be called quite favorable. Daily precipitation is possible only on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. As for the opposite coast, the dry season is established here.

The air temperature is kept at +29°C during the day and +21°C at night. The water warms up to +26°C.

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